
15 December 2023

BlueScope's first Global ‘Gen AI’ Generator 

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BlueScope’s first Global Emerging Technology Radar was launched this year.  The radar helps us identify relevant new and emerging technologies and assess their positive impact on our workforce, operations, and global markets we operate in. The radar categorises emerging technology into three stages of maturity: Implement, Invest and Explore, and includes a framework for safe experimentation and advancing technologies across these stages. 

The launch of the radar has shone a light on what we are doing or could be doing with Artificial Intelligence (AI). More specifically, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), which is currently sitting in the explore stage of our radar. 

The next step was to hold our first ever Global Emerging Technology Generator with a focus on GenAI. With a strong emphasis on safe experimentation in the world of AI, seven teams from across BlueScope, over six sessions, competed and honed their GenAI ideas into a three-minute pitch with assistance from our partners, Red Marble and Neu21. Teams then had the opportunity to present their final idea to our ‘judging panel’, made up of members of our Executive Leadership Team. 

The generator was a pivotal moment in building strength in innovation across the organisation. It also focused on our mapping out our path toward reshaping our Customer Experience and Operational Excellence on a global scale.

The highlight: 

The safe environment for experimentation allowed teams to solve real problems with GenAI solutions that considered Responsible AI use and good data principles to drive business transformation.

What did participants get out of it? A lot, including:

  • The Power of good data: The generator reinforced our vision to treat data as a strategic asset. Good data is the foundation upon which AI innovation and business transformation stand.

  • Global impact: The solutions and ideas created during the generator have far-reaching implications for our Customer Experience (CX) efforts, largely enabled by the power of good data. They promise to enhance user interactions, elevate satisfaction levels and improve operational efficiency.

  •  People: Our people have the best ideas

A big shoutout to all our participants, their dedication to responsible AI, good data practices, and business transformation, guided by emerging technologies, is paving the way for a brighter, safer, and more prosperous future for BlueScope.  Massive thank you to our partners who supported this event, making it possible to emphasize the importance of safe experimentation and that it is okay to fail.