Investor services

Find information about how to contact the Share Registry as well as how to set preferences for shareholder communications you’d like to receive.

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Shareholder queries

All shareholder queries should be directed to our Share Registry at MUFG Corporate Markets.

By logging in to the secure shareholder services area on this website you can:

  • Obtain your current holding balance based on a specified date
  • Change your holding details (such as name, address and email address)
  • Determine whether we have recorded your Tax File Number (TFN)
  • Check your dividend payment instructions
  • Manage your annual report choices (such as full, concise, or no report)
  • Manage a deceased estate
  • Make an off-market transfer

Looking for a form instead?

No problem. Download shareholder forms from MUFG Corporate Markets here.

Map depicting the location of BlueScope Steel Share Registry at Link Market Services

Contact the BlueScope Steel Share Registry at MUFG Corporate Markets

Would you prefer to speak to a team member about your shares and investments? Get in touch via phone, email or post with the contact details below.

BlueScope Steel Share Registry at MUFG Corporate Markets

Street Address

Level 12, 650 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

Tel: +61 1300 855 998   Fax: +61 2 9287 0303


Mailing Address

Locked Bag A14, Sydney South, NSW 1235

Make a standing election to receive some or all of your communications from BlueScope in electronic or physical form (including annual reports, meeting documents and payment advice).

Make a one-off request to receive a particular communication from BlueScope in electronic or physical form.

Elect not to be sent annual reports by BlueScope.

Shareholder communications

There are many options available to BlueScope shareholders to ensure you receive the communications you need in the form that you prefer.

Receiving your shareholder communications electronically is the best way to stay informed and will assist us with our commitment to follow environmentally sustainable practices. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to make the switch to electronic communications and provide us with your email address.


How to update your communication preference

To review or update your current communication preference:


You will need your portfolio log in details or your Security holder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN).

Once you have accessed your shareholding, to make a standing-election, select the ‘Communications’ menu, then ‘Preferences’ and follow the prompts to select one of the following options as below.

Communication optionDividend payment adviceNotice of meetingAnnual report
1. All communications electronicallyElectronicElectronicElectronic
2. Investor communications sent electronically, except payment adviceHard copyElectronicElectronic
3. Investor communications including payment advice sent by postHard copyWe will notify^ you on how to access the documents onlineNot provided
4. Investor communications - annual report & payment advice by postHard copyWe will notify^ you on how to access the documents onlineHard copy
5. Investor communications - notice of meeting & payment advice by postHard copyHard copyNot provided
6. Investor communications - annual report, notice of meeting & payment advice by postHard copyHard copyHard copy

^ We will notify you in hard copy, of the website link, where to access and download a copy of the Notice of Meeting and other documents related to shareholder meetings.

If you would like to explore an alternative standing election or make a one-off request, please contact MUFG Corporate Markets via

If at any time you require an additional copy of a communication, or you need more information about the options available to you, please contact MUFG Corporate Markets via

For any further information about our Share Registry, please visit the MUFG Corporate Markets website at


Important information

Following the passing of the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 in February 2022, BlueScope will continue to issue Notices of Meeting and Annual Reports (including proxy forms and other meeting materials) electronically where a shareholder has provided a valid email address and has not made an election.

All shareholders can access our Annual Reports on this website and Notices of Meeting and other documents relating to shareholder meetings.