
Here you'll find a range of videos that are excerpts of longer audio interviews from our Voices of BlueScope podcast.


Learn more about the different types of roles across the BlueScope organisation. Hear from our team members and how they play an integral role in delivering value for our customers.


Learn how BlueScope supports its local communities through a range of initiatives and events.


Watch the latest news, events and announcements related to our commitment to sustainability.

Faces of BlueScope

Our people are our strength. Watch the videos from our team that work in a variety of fields at different locations across the globe.


See BlueScope employees in action—both at work and with local communities—and learn about our various businesses, products and processes along the way.


Our continued focus on innovation is key to achieving our purpose and we have a strong history of delivering smart solutions in steel.


The people in our teams and our communities share their stories and activities.


Watch videos related to the latest financial results and updates from our team.


Our STEAM videos showcase our operations and the people who work in them.


We've collated a range of historical footage and interviews with current people asking them to share their experiences of working together at BlueScope across the years.

Health, safety & well-being

Hear from our people about the significance of health, safety and well-being across all BlueScope operations.